Watch Cartoons Online – Top 5 Websites to Watch Cartoons and Anime free online


The next time you’re craving some cartoon action, or want to show your kids some of your old favorites, you can rest assured that there are plenty of legal options online. You don’t need to worry about your kids being exposed to anything inappropriate or worse. In this article, we’re going to provide you with 5 of the best cartoon websites on the internet and, on top of this, we have 5 anime sites for US audiences. You’ll never miss a day of cartoon magic.

##5 Best Sites to Watch Cartoons Online:


You can watch cartoons online for free on the internet. WatchCartoonOnline is one of many websites with a vast selection of anime and cartoon shows, but you have to search through their extensive library if it’s your favorite show. Unfortunately, there are popup ads that interrupt this process – though they’re easy enough to get rid of or block using an ad-blocker extension in Chrome or Firefox browsers. The site also allows users from all over the world (including Windows XP) which makes it popular among international viewers as well!


CartoonOn is an online entertainment destination for animated movies and shows that has the vastest collection of free cartoons, anime, TV series, children’s videos on demand. CartoonOn makes it easy to multitask between work or home thanks to its innovative streaming technology which offers HD quality video without buffering delays!

The website is regularly updated with new releases so you will never miss out on anything – just visit daily! We’ve got something for everyone here at CartoonsOn from old classics like Tom and Jerry Classic Collection – a must-watch if you’re into classic cartoon comedies; Avatar: The Last Airbender Full Episodes – perfect viewing while waiting in line at your favorite cereal aisle…to more recent ones such as Ben 10 Omnivers.


Cartoonito is a great site to watch cartoons online for kids. All the videos on this website are carefully selected and appropriate for children ages 2-12. You can also find an education section, which includes games, songs with lyrics that teach you how to read music too! This web app provides so many other features of entertainment like apps where your child will be able to play their favorite game or make friends through video chat as well as listen in on live performances from around the world by using its radio feature (yes, even adults!). It’s easy enough just tapping Cartoonito mobile application once while browsing YouTube Kids — it has everything we want when looking up kid-friendly content: My Little Pony, Thomas & Friends, Doraemon, and many more.


SuperCartoons is a site where you can watch cartoons from all over the world in your browser! They have many different categories to choose from and you will find something that suits your mood, and if you are confused while choosing which cartoon to watch they also offer a helpful search bar with trending videos as well by character type – all this without having advertisements in-between! Some of the most popular animations on SuperCartoons include Tom & Jerry, The Pink Panther, Pepe Le Pew, or Scooby-Doo just to name a few.


ToonJet is one of the best websites for watching classic cartoon series like Popeye, Betty Boop, Looney Tunes. What’s more? It’s free and you can watch any video without registering or signing up first! There are also a lot of other great features such as adding favorites to your profile page so that you won’t have to search through thousands of cartoons just to find it again later on.


##5 best sites to watch anime free online:


Have you ever wondered what it would be like to watch anime in English? Funimation is an animated streaming website that specializes in dubbed anime series for the English-speaking regions. They offer up-to-date episodes of your favorite Anime TV show, as well as a wide range of ongoing and completed shows from various genres. If watching at home isn’t enough, try attending one of their conventions where they have panels featuring some famous voice actors such as Vic Mignogna (Edward Elric), Todd Haberkorn (Izaya Orihara), or Josh Grelle (Yuri Katsuki).

Funimation streams both hit movies and successful television programs with all major cable providers across America today!


GogoAnime offers you the top anime series to watch online for free. This information-filled website provides users with the latest plot of a season’s most popular new shows and also features high-quality streaming videos, movies, and English animation titles – meaning that viewers don’t have to rely on subtitles in order to comprehend what is going on!

If you love watching animated films as much as we do then GogoAnime should be one of your favorites too because they offer an array of options from which anyone can choose their favorite genre or time frame (you’ll never run out!).


That’s why 9Anime was made. The site has the best anime series and movies with no ads, a friendly interface that is easy to use on any device (including desktop), awesome features like being able to request an episode they don’t have yet from their list of already owned episodes or other individual DVDs/Blu-Rays they might own so it can be added for everyone else who owns those same items as well!


The best anime website I’ve found is AnimeFreak. It has the latest episodes of my favorite shows, and even though it’s a bit cluttered with ads sometimes, they’re worth putting up with to get all that streaming goodness!

I love how easy this site makes browsing for new stuff- whether you want something adventurous or adorable (or both!), there are tons of options here.


AnimeHeaven is a free, user-friendly anime streaming website that lets you watch any of the top current series and popular shows. Whether you’re at home or on the go, this site can be accessed from anywhere in your browser to always keep up with all of your favorite characters!

AnimeHeaven is the perfect spot for all your anime needs. It offers a wide selection of content and doesn’t charge you anything! You can also download videos with different quality levels so it’s like getting two websites in one.

##Final Words

To help you find the best sites to watch cartoons or anime, we’ve compiled a list of our favorites. We hope that this article has helped you pick out your next favorite cartoon site and maybe even introduced some new ones! If you have any questions about these sites, feel free to contact us.